Our Name


Our love for our native coffee mixed with a hint of the chocolaty goodness our brownies are known for, give a touch of Mocha to our name.

In the Southwestern part of Colombia, among the trees and the waterfalls lives an indigenous community called the Ingas. Inspired by our country and its roots, and adopted from the Ingas' native tongue, Quechua, we give life and a name to our dream. Misk'i, meaning sweet, expresses our message and our desire to bring some sweetness into everyone's life.

Every year the Inga people hold a celebration in honor of the rainbow and to thank mother earth for her gifts. To join in on this celebration we borrowed the colors of the rainbow and added it to the sweetness of our name.

Magenta - Symbolizes life and passion

Orange - Makes the soul joyous and helps transmit positive energies

Yellow - Brings happiness and confidence all around

Turquoise - Relating to the ocean, it provides better communication and expands creativity

Green - Represents hope and a good future.

Violet - Stimulates imagination and brings balance to all activities.